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Writer's pictureNoah Elkins

5 Social Media Marketing Stats You May Not Expect

Whether it’s those creepy documentaries like The Social Dilemma, or it’s your coworker asking if you’ve seen that new thing on Facebook, we all know that in 2022, branding and advertising through social media is where it’s at.

Whether it’s those creepy documentaries like The Social Dilemma, or it’s your coworker asking if you’ve seen that new thing on Facebook, we all know that in 2022, branding and advertising through social media is where it’s at.

Think about how many ads you see, or commercials, or even recommendations from your friends. How many of those come from social media: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.?

Now rewind back to the days when you watched regular TV (you know, like cable or the kind with the big dish on top of your house), back in those days, commercials were everything. But now, if we see ads on TV at all, it’s only because we pay for the cheaper subscription for Hulu or HBO Max.

Here are a few current facts about branding and advertising that may blow your mind.

79% of people say that user-generated content on social media significantly impacts their purchasing decisions.

This is like our updated version of the ol’ word-of-mouth advertising method. I’ve got a friend who regularly posts movie reviews on Facebook, and I’m sure you’ve seen recommendations or ads shared by some of your friends too.

User-generated content is especially powerful today because it’s the only kind of content on social media that can cut through the usual advertising stigma. When someone reads a recommendation from a real user, it feels less like their being baited and feels more like an honest suggestion. This is why taking control of user-generated content is absolutely essential for any brand.

On mobile devices alone, YouTube reaches more adults aged 16-24 than any TV network.

We all know this is true. Check your screen-time. YouTube is sure to be in your top 3 or 4 apps. YouTube has basically become a free (with-ads) independent TV provider. And whether it’s commercials or paid sponsors, YouTube ads and recommendations hit way more eyeballs than TV could dream of at this point.

Any move to break into that market is a good idea.

83% of consumers worldwide prefer YouTube to watch video content.

This could be because of a combination of the fact that YouTube is free (unless you go Premium), portable and also personalized. It has become a very interesting collision between TV-type entertainment with the more personal flare of social media. It’s like the Wild West of TV. Everyone can make their own show.

We all know that there are some extremely high-quality YouTube channels out there. And the fact that you don’t have to pay for them is pretty incredible. YouTube has come a long way since fail compilation videos and Smosh. It’s no wonder people are choosing it over traditional TV.

Best times to post on LinkedIn: 1. 8-10am and 12pm on Wednesday, 2. 9am & 1-2pm on Thursdays.

LinkedIn is one of the only social medias left where it matters what time you post. Facebook and Instagram use an algorithm that makes the time you post really not matter all that much. You might see a post from yesterday, and then one from today, and then one from three days ago all back to back. LinkedIn is not that way.

With LinkedIn you can kinda go back to the old strategies we all used to use for getting people’s attention on our Facebook posts (remember those days?), like posting at peak times and on certain days.

85% of marketers rank short-form videos as the most effective type of social media content

This is another one that we’re not shocked by. We all know if the video is longer than 15 seconds, it better be super interesting if we’re gonna keep watching it. We have better things to do, like watching another One Chip Challenge on TikTok (or whatever is trending now).

But short video content is approachable and extremely effective. It takes very little investment from the viewer, and it can make an extreme and lasting impact. Even if they don’t buy your product right away, video content sticks with you like no other type of content.

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