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Writer's pictureConnor Minogue

5 Stats about podcasts you should know!

Here are a few bits of info to help you on your way to becoming the next Joe Rogan.

Are podcasts relevant? Do people even listen to podcasts? What do people do with the information they hear on podcasts?

It seems everyone is either an avid podcast listener, or they're talking about starting their own podcast, which sometimes they never do.

Like it or not, podcasts have consumed a large market share of the entertainment industry and any form of media that has consumed a large market share of the entertainment and information industry is worth taking seriously.

These 5 stats might blow your mind, you might already know them, or they may open your eyes to the huge opportunity out there for you and your company to leverage podcasts to grow your company, educate your client base, or solidify yourself as the content educator in your space.

38% of podcast listeners purchase the products mentioned in podcasts.

If I said to you, “Hey, if you post in this space, 38% of people that see your content will purchase your products,” what would you do? I know exactly what you’d do – you’d post like you worked for Beyond Clean.

Well, it seems you have that opportunity. The only difference is once you enter the podcast space, you must build your listener base, and that means more content and more consistent content. Which is the hard part, trust me!

86.5% of podcast listeners listen to podcast ads.

Have you ever wondered how a 16-year-old manages to get sponsors from all over the world to sponsor his podcast? He just sits around and talks about dumb stuff, right?

Well, if he’s generated a large listener base, he is very valuable to advertisers, because advertisers know that his listeners are very likely to listen to the ads.

This may seem strange because as a people we hate commercials. We skip them. We change radio stations when they come on. We pay more to not have them interrupt our viewing or our listening. But when it comes to podcasts, for some reason, we listen all the way through.

94% of podcast listeners listen to podcasts while doing other tasks.

This might seem like a no brainer, but it is also vital information as you think about the type of podcasting you’re doing. What this means for you or your company, is that people will tune in and tune out of your podcast. So, if they tune in during an uninteresting slow conversation, will they tune in next time while they’re doing the dishes or driving to work.

This stat must make you consider every second of every podcast. Is the conversation upbeat and engaging all the time? Are we delivering solid and engaging information or are we talking about cats?

40% of listeners find podcasts through directories.

It’s like SEO all over again but for podcasts. And there is a plethora of ways to be found on podcast directories like Apple and Spotify.

But the number one way to be found is to be producing; the more you produce, the more the system will promote you. The more you give the more you get. So, get to giving so you can get to getting.

49% of listeners listen to podcasts when at home.

This may work well with point 3. They might be vacuuming or gardening or doing the dishes, but this alludes to what I’ve written about elsewhere. Your content is a 24/7 salesperson. It turns out someone might click down your sales funnel at midnight on their couch with their cat listening to your podcast.

If the only time you interact with a potential client or customer is when you have them on the phone during work hours, you’re missing out on a whole host of conversation and communication you could be having with them via your content.

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